What's Included with ice bath NZ?
Ice bath NZ doesn't require any plumbing and is portable.
- Ice Bath (80cm x 80cm)
- 6x Poles
- Pump
- User Manual
- Repair kit
BONUS: Thermo-Lid ($35 Value)
BONUS: Free 2-3 Day Courier ($23 Value)
BONUS: 1-Year Warranty ($30 Value)
Total Value: $̶2̶5̶5̶.̶0̶0̶

Are ice baths good for you?
Ice baths can be good for you, provided you don’t have pre-existing health conditions such as heart disease. Given that you’re in decent physical condition to withstand the stresses of the cold shock, there are a whole host of physical and mental benefits that ice baths can give you if you take them regularly such as 1 or 2 a week.
Some benefits include:
- Increased dopamine - Šrámek et. al. (2000) found that ice baths caused elevated levels of dopamine (250% higher than baseline) circulating in the bloodstream of their participants.
- Alertness and focus - Schwabe et. al. (2022) found that a quick ice bath will spike adrenaline, enabling alertness and focus.

How long should you ice bath for?
Higgins et. al. (2017) recommend cold water immersion with ice baths should incorporate 2 x 5-minute immersions of 10 degrees Celsius with 2-minute seated rest in between immersions.
Of course, there are other factors as well, such as environmental temperature, personal preference, safety, as well as what you want to get out of ice baths, that are involved in how long you should ice bath for.
Should you take a hot shower after a cold plunge pool?
If you want to gain the long-term benefits of ice baths, then you shouldn’t take a hot shower right after an ice bath, because a lot of the benefits of cold exposure therapy come from your body’s reaction to the cold and leaving it to naturally warm up on its own.
If you are doing contract therapy with heat, then you can end it with a cold plunge as Dr Susanna Søberg recommends.

How do you make an ice bath?
To make an ice bath, fill a large container such as a bucket, tub, or cooler with cold water and ice cubes. Make sure the container is large enough that the person can submerge their entire body in the cold plunge tub. The water should be cold enough to provide relief from muscle soreness, but not so cold that it is too uncomfortable.
What are the different types of ice baths?
- Portable - Portable ice baths can be packed up and taken away. They are commonly made from soft plastic.
- Ice Barrel - Typically ice barrels are made from hard plastic or wood and are not portable.
- Tub - Cold plunge tubs are ice baths that are made from either a soft or hard plastic depending on the design.
- Inflatable - Ice baths that are inflatable have the benefits of being portable and are typically cheaper as they are made from soft plastic.
Where can I buy an ice bath NZ?
You can buy an ice bath online in the following cities/areas:
1. Auckland - Ice Bath NZ offers express free courier to Auckland wide. Typically takes 2-3 working days.
2. Christchurch - Typically takes 2-3 working days.
3. Wellington - Courier typically takes 2-3 working days.
4. Rest of North Island - Courier typically takes 2-3 working days to deliver the ice bath.
5. Rest of South Island - Courier typically takes 2-3 working days to deliver the ice bath.
6. Rural - Courier typically takes 4-5 working days to deliver the ice bath.